Notice of new site address .

If you will, visit my new site that continues with the same type of information and listings as on this site.

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Sunday, April 15, 2007

# 19 Develop ESP At No Charge To You.

Here are two sites, that offer a series of lessons, for you to learn ESP. All at no charge to you. So if your interested, check them out. As mentioned in my posts, I'm not interested in setting up methods on ESP or psychic learning processes.There are many offerings on the Web. Not all are free though. The Silva site is very good and will offer ( after the free lessons ) an opportunity to purchase a more comprehensive version. Keep in mind that the free lessons offered, on both sites, are sufficient for many people, but others need more coaching, and it is available with Silva at a modest investment. The Mind Energy site has a good section for those with questions, and comments.
Copy and paste the addresses into your browser.
Not able to get the links to work directly. (Still trying 7/20/2007 )


If you choose to , you can come back here, to share your experiences, with others.That would please me greatly.

You may find the next sites listed here of great interest. While what is offered on these sites is very good, most offerings are not free.
Be Well, Stay Well


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this information! I had never known that there were excersises for this! I tried the first one... feeling the energy between my palms and it worked! I had never felt anything like that before and I can't wait to get further involved. I'll keep you posted on the progress.

Take care

The Talker said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Talker said...

Hi Tink,
Thank you for the reply. It pleases me, that what I do, can, in any manner, assist another. It pleases me, that you took the time to say "Thank you", and to leave a comment, and do keep me posted with your progress. Your comments will perhaps encourage others to start and experience those events.

May 2, 2007 2:48 PM
Deleted the prior ,had a word spelled wrong

Anonymous said...

Well, since this posting I've been in keeping with the exercises and am now able to feel energy with people. Some people might call them 'gut intuitions' but I like to refer to it as a hunch.

It's odd in a cool way. I've noticed that I'm either drawn like a magnet or stay far away from people. Hard to explain and hopefully I'll find some finesse with words too!

The Talker said...

Thanks for coming back to post. Went back to "feeling tone" your blog posts. Your doing great. Notice I said "doing great", and "not that everything is perfect." That which I wrote on 1-18-2007, on your blog, has taken on a "melodious" "feeling tone", and that is good. Do keep at it.